You can run up to a guy, do a sick vault over him and then cut him in half on the way down. Instead of the simplistic yet cool one button to win combat, Warrior Within gives you a solid variety of combos, throws, and other abilities around bending time to your will (in and out of combat). I'll compare this to Assassin's Creed (the old ones), because that's about the closing thing to it. I don't know where the music fits into it, let's just say it's also the butter. The combat, is this game's metaphorical butter if the parkour is the bread. The dark and gritty (edgy, really) tone of the game is a far-cry from the much lighter tone of the SoTfor but personally I enjoy the setting and the game's metal soundtrack. Warrior Within in particular is probably my favorite, as it improved a lot of mechanics and features from Sands of Time.
I played it as a kid on my PS2, so there's the nostalgia factor.
Prince of Persia is what I'd say is probably one of the most fun platforming games to come out in the last 20 years.